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Because the Red Spot is in the southern hemisphere, the direction of motion indicates it is a high-pressure center. Small bright clouds appear suddenly to the west of the Great Red Spot. Scientists suspect these small white features are lightning storms. The storms eventually merge with the Red Spot and surrounding jets, and may be the main energy source for the large-scale features.
In previous studies, activations in neural responses in the medial temporal lobe have been found with the stimuli of fear faces. Especially the amygdala is thought to be part of a neural system responsive to potential threat. But previous these studies have used no background images for facial stimuli. By contrast, normal images we see in our life always have background images. And in many artistic field, (painting, photograph and movie) background is thought to be a very important factor for effective expressions. In the present study, we estimated the effect of background image to the brain activation by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). During fMRI scanning, faces with background image were presented repeatedly to healthy right handed male subjects (n=10). Facial stimuli consisted of six photographs of faces with fearful expressions. The background images consisted of two photographs, lightning and flower garden. After the fMRI scanning session, subjects rated the impression of images with Plutchik scale. Significant effects (P 1e1e36bf2d